Regulus Tarot


You are about to embark on a life changing journey onto the world full of possibilities, magic, and wonder. Tarot is one of the secret things that makes the world wondrous. “How are the world with Tarot in it, and the one without it, different?” “What power does Tarot possess that lets it make the world magical?” “What can Tarot do for me?” – you ask.

Ah! The world with Tarot is the magical one. Nothing more, nothing less. And life with magic is easier, more extraordinary, full of understanding and insight. And let’s face it: the world without magic is boring and pointless, isn’t it? “But I live in the world without magic and my life is just fine” – you say. But my dear, everything that makes life worth living IS magic! And how do you know that if you paid a little bit more attention, or used appropriate tools, you wouldn’t see what’s beyond capabilities of an average human being – that you wouldn’t see magic? Tarot is such a tool. But don’t take my word for it, just take the plunge – book a session or contact us for a reading by email.

Who We Are

We are a small collective of architects and engineers. Tarot has been used for centuries as a powerful tool to gain insight, self-reflection, and guidance. As a tool, Tarot facilitates a deep exploration of the self and the world around us.


What we discovered for ourselves was that this powerful tool actually works. 


We are practical people, we like powerful tools that work.

What We Do


"Getting a tarot reading was a truly enlightening experience! The reader's intuitive insights and deep understanding of the cards brought clarity and guidance to my life. "
PJ Jose
" Ía, ... t has undoubtedly been a great pleasure working with you ... ... your affinity with the visual language of the Marseille tarot is evident. Thus, the images give you their secrets without effort or violence, because to look is not forcing something to open, but to seduce what is seen so that it looks back at us. I do not doubt that this ability of yours will be cherished by those who in the future will work with you, in witnessing the miracle of the images."
– Enrique Enriquez
"Wow, what an incredible tarot reading experience! The insights and guidance I received were absolutely mind-blowing."​
Jeson Foxx
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